sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2011

she likened the White House to “a bunch of amateurs” in their handling of Colonel Gaddafi.

Hillary Clinton is to quit the Obama administration. 

The US Secretary of State said she would not serve a second term and planned to leave in two years when her time was up. 

She also revealed she will not run again for president or vice president.
Rumours have circled in Washington that Mrs Clinton is frustrated with Barack Obama’s dithering on foreign policy, especially over air strikes in Libya. 

One report claimed that she likened the White House to “a bunch of amateurs” in their handling of Colonel Gaddafi. Her departure will be a blow to Mr Obama who has already been deserted by key allies including his former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, press secretary Robert Gibbs and economic adviser Larry Summers.

Speaking to US TV network CNN, Mrs Clinton was asked if she wanted to stay on for a second term with Mr Obama, if she wanted to be president, vice president or defence secretary. To each she replied: “No”. 

She said: “You know, I had a wonderful experience running and I am very proud of the support I had and very grateful for the opportunity, but I’m going to be, you know, moving on. 

“I am doing what I want to do right now and I have no intention or any idea even of running again. I’m going to do the best I can at this job for the next two years”. 

Mrs Clinton added she wanted to “go back to advocacy work, particularly on behalf of women”. - Daily Mail

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